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Marvin 'Puppington' is our miniature dachshund. This page will tell you all about him and let you know what he is up to.

Right now, Marvin is 3 months old and is growing fast - he's still very small though. It's a big adventure for us all.

Come back soon to find out what he's up to...

Thanks for visiting Marvin's page. There's nothing much here yet but as time goes on it will be full of news about what he is up to and where he's been going.

Here's some of the things that Marvin has done so far...

1. Had naps. Lots of naps. Marvin loves having naps. Here he is next to me whilst I'm working.

2. Travelled around in the car. He wasn't happy at first but he's getting used to it now.

3. Visited the pet shop and chosen a new toy.

4. Been stroked by lots of people that we meet.

5. Visited the garden center in a carry bag.

6. Picked up a snail and put it down again. Bleargh!